
[De Nederlandse tekst staat hier.]

Each member pays an annual membership fee. The fee is set in November by the General Members' Meeting.

The membership fee is collected in early January by direct debit.

Members are required to agree to direct debit because otherwise collecting the membership fee would cause a lot of extra work for the volunteers who do the administration.

Membership must be cancelled before 1 December. If you cancel after 1 December, the full membership fee for the following year is due. You can cancel at any time during the year, but refund of (part of) the membership fee is not possible.

The 2024 annual membership fee, including contribution to the Royal Dutch Rowing Federation (KNRB) and the Dutch Olympic Committee (NOC/NSF), is:

Adult member (23 year and older)


Second adult at same address


Junior member under 18


Adult member under 23


Supporting member (does not use the rowing facilities)

€ 41,85

Long distance member (lives more than 60 km from the club and makes limited use of the rowing facilities)


Long distance member who is also a member of another rowing club that takes care of the contribution to the KNRB and NOC/NSF


Coxing member (steers boats but does not otherwise use the rowing facilities)



Members who join after January 31st will receive a discount on their contribution for the first year. The calculation of the discount is specified in the Internal Regulations (Huishoudelijk Reglement).

In addition, new members pay these one-time fees:

Adults with rowing experience


First two rowing outings

€ 10,00

Boat fund

€ 20,00

Other adults


7 introduction lessons

€ 70,00

Juniors under 18


5 introduction lessons

€ 35,00


The rules for membership fees are described in our Articles of Association ("Statuten") and the Internal regulations ("Huishoudelijk Reglement"). This is a short summary from which no rights can be derived.


ERV Beatrix
Kanaaldijk Noord 61
5642 JA Eindhoven
